Wellness is a State of Being
Be in the moment… Be Kind to Yourself
Vibrational Alignment
Do you have insomnia, anxiety, grief, loss, negative overthinking, digestion issues, depression, mood swings. Not feeling connected to yourself?
Vibrational Alignment realigns the emotional balance, releasing physical or emotional pain, with the use of channelled energy and essential oils.
Better Sleep
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Balance and Realign the Energy Centres
Emotional Well-being and Release
Managing Grief and lose
Sound & Energy Therapy
Do you have insomnia, anxiety, grief, digestion issues, depression, mood swings, emotional or physical pain, over or underactive thyroid?
Sound & Energy are all vibrations in different forms.
Both have the means to allow the mind to go from a beta state into Alpha waves induce feelings of calm, increase creativity, and enhance your ability to absorb new information. During sound therapy, the sound moves the brain into theta waves. During theta brainwave activity, both the body and mind experience enhanced rejuvenation, growth, and healing. Due to the deep levels of relaxation that theta brainwaves facilitate, the body and mind are easily able to restore themselves during and after illness, as well as after mental burnout and physical exertion.
Life Coach/Spirit Coach
Former design consultant Chew Yin followed her passion in the holistic wellbeing arts.
Understanding change has to come from within, starting with thoughts, motivating you into making a choice to create an action which moves you forward.
Her treatments are designed to work with you at whatever stage you find yourself in at this present moment.
A Life coaching session is for you to unearth the goals you wish to create, to live your highest potential.
Vibrational Alignment is universal energy sent to balance and harmonise the mind and body.
Akashic Records’ reading discovers the soul’s strengths. Clearing of Karmic choices, and aligning your focus to move you forward.
Chew Yin sessions support your emotional and physical well-being.
Animal Friendly
In addition to supporting humans, Chew Yin offers Whole Energy Body Balance for Pets.
During COVID-19 human distancing was being enforced, Chew Yin trained with a vet based in Melbourne offering support to our pets.